Author: Dijana Muminovic

[dflip id="1914"][/dflip] U zadnje vrijeme živim između dva svijeta- ovog kojeg poznajem cijeli život u svom rodnom gradu i ovog između brda skrivena u čudima najstarijega Marijanskog svetišta na Balkanu. Svijet koji mi je više poznat čine ga ljudi koje volim, moj posao i moja posvećenost služenju...

I have been living between the two worlds: the civilized one I have known all my life, and lately in the hills and charms of the oldest Marian Shrine in the Balkans. [dflip id="1914"][/dflip] The world known to me consists of the people I love, my work,...

I was in Ahmići village in Vitez municipality, about 20 minutes from my hometown Zenica where 116 civilians were killed in 1993. I went as a support for an incredible woman I recently met, and while I was at the commemoration, I heard Bob Stewart...

Beginning of this year, I was interviewed by the amazing Dr. Alice König who is running this amazing project at the University of St Andrews (UK). We had several interviews and finally, we recorded a 90-minute podcast of my story. She took me to my...

I was awarded the WideOpen Excellence in Photography Award for my Ukraine to Bosnia series in October 2022. The exhibition and event were held at the Dairy Barn Arts Center and it was wonderful to see my former Ohio University professors. I love Athens and...

When the first 300 women and children arrived in Medjugore, Bosnia and Herzegovina in early March 2022, their exodus was reminiscent of the 1990s Bosnian War when 2.2. million people fled the country. In the first few weeks of the Ukrainian war, 4 million women...

Jerez de la Frontera, I thought was some small place in Spain that no one has heard of, only to find out, I have never heard of this very important fact: Jerez de la Frontera was the border between Islamic and Christian populations. Suddenly, this...

It was October 13th of 1917, and thousands of people gathered in Fátima in response to a prophecy made by three shepherd children, Lúcia Santos and siblings Francisco and Jacinta Marto, who said they saw Mary. At this moment, Lucia asks Mary to do something...

I was invited to open the exhibition "Simply Nature" by Bosnian-German author Hari M. At the exhibition I saw a childhood neighbor whom I haven't seen probably since the childhood, and we matched. It was very funny. ...

Rotary Club Zenica and its Rotaract, with the support of USAID, PRO-Buducnost and CRS, organized an event in which I had the honor to speak about multi-ethnicity in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Together with colleagues, we discussed this subject from different points of view. Part of my presentation...